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- All Air Hockey mallets sold by
SEIBERT LLC meet USAA's (United States Air-Hockey Association) standards
for Legal Objects of Play and are the same models that most World Ranked
players use.
- The low-profile mallets tend to
give people better accuracy and a allow to get more speed on the puck
with less effort. However many of the Pro's say the low-profile
mallets do
not disguise what shot their opponent is doing. Most top-level
pros will advise on using the high-profile mallets.
- The hard mallets also help
in being able to get more speed on the puck than the soft mallets.
However, in defense, with a hard mallet is harder to control the
rebounds off a blocked shot. The soft mallets help in
that they absorb some of the impact, making it easier to get the
rebounds. The material used to make these mallets have been
discontinued and will soon will be extinct. SEIBERT LLC will be
researching and experimenting to have a replacement
- It is not uncommon for a pro
player to have more than one mallet. A pro player has to be able
to adapt to different opponents and table conditions. But most
will gravitate toward a mallet that fits their game best and use it the
most often.
- Like pucks, mallets need to
be broken-in for maximum performance. It is recommended only to
lightly sand the base of mallet when jagged edges occur. A mallet
should be able to float freely on a good running table.